Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What I've learned this summer...

Well, seeing as how the summer is coming to a close, and I’m making a pretty major move (read: I leave for the other side of the pond in 5 days!), it seems like an appropriate time to reflect. I’m wrapping up my summer-long internship, and I can safely say this has been one of the best summers I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing. The combination of friends, new experiences, and an ideal job (well, except the lack of pay) have all created a plethora of fantastic memories.

At the same time, I’ve learned a lot this summer. So, with any luck, my next few posts will be on trends I’ve noticed over the summer, or things I’ve learned about myself, my beliefs, and people in general. Since today is my last full day at the paper (where I have regular, reliable internet access), they might be a little sporadic, but I’ll do my best. Then I leave for Europe on Aug. 10, so I’ll be unavailable for something like two weeks while I’m traveling. I’m sure I’ll have periodic internet café access, so I’ll try to at least get up a HNT picture in there. Once I’m settled, I’ll be sure to update everyone on my escapades, and I promise to have some great stories. In the meantime, thanks to everyone for reading – especially the newer additions… it’s really a great feeling to be getting more well-read. I wish everyone the best.

See you on the other side!

1 comment:

Jake said...

'read: I leave for the other side of the pond in 5 days!'

Whereabouts over here are you visiting? x