This photo is from my freshman year... at my first college. I know, I know HNTs are supposed to be current photos, but I figured I could get away with it if I acknowledge that it's an old photo. And as I've mentioned, right now I'm not feeling overly sexy (thanks to the still-healing bedbug or whatever the hell ate me alive this weekend bites all over my body), so I thought I'd give you all a throwback. I also debated not posting this, since this is undoubtedly the most of my face you've seen, but I (obviously) decided it would be OK.
This was taken towards the end of my second semester freshman year - I was 19. Some friends and I were partying college-style in a dorm room... the theme was "underwear party." Creative, I know. The rules were simple: As soon as you entered the room, you had to strip down to show at least one piece of underwear.
I think this might have been when my love affair with wearing jeans and a bra started. To this day, wearing my favorite jeans and a sexy bra is my favorite outfit... I actually wish this bra still fit, because it was adorable. (Now I have to settle for boring black or tan bras. What genius decided women with tits bigger than a D cup don't need sexy bras? Isn't that kind of counterintuitive, anyway? Weaksauce.)
The photo was a fluke, but was a fantastic confidence-booster. I was a bit smaller then than I am now (hence the bra no longer fitting), but I actually am pretty sure the jeans still fit, although I've worn them to shreds.
So, there you go friends. An old school HNT for you... in every sense of the term!
**Snorts coffee out of nose.**
Please, warn me when such astonishingly wonderful photos are going to appear.
I was not prepared for that.
If that photo's anything to go by, the bedbugs only bit because you're clearly DELICIOUS.
Ooh! Nothing wrong with this at all!
this is a very sexy shot. i'll take a classic hnt that looks like this every time!
I'm so glad you decided to post this! Freshman year, there's no other quite like it, is there? Our first semester we were partying every night.
That bra is indeed adorable.
Haha looks like my kind of party!
Very hot photo, you look like you're just waiting there for someone to come up and press themselves up against you, it's tempting...
Whew, Roland said what I immediately thought about the bedbugs! Lucky bugs.... sharing a bed and nibbles with you?? I am totally jealous. Lovely photo, you look so happy and free more than anything I love the mood in it (Ok well I love the mood ALMOST more than your body).
RYC: *melts* The rest I'm sure you'll read because you wub me!
The scantily-clad ladies are titillating, true, but what did the men do? Looks like they got down to topless! Well, you can always have another party with a topless theme.
The calm and happy expression on your face is quite attractive.
Don't know where you are, but the 'Intimacy' lingerie stores in NY, Chicago, Atlanta... all have extraordinarily sexy bras in LARGE cup sizes...
There. Fine. A comment. Nurny-nurny-nur.
You are gorgeous! Hmm, such an overused word, but my brain is currently too addled to think of something more creative...
Thank you for posting even if you were a bit worried about showing so much of your face.
Awesome picture too. It almost has a... dare I say it... magazine/ad quality about it.
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